8 Tips to Teach your Kids to Calm Down

The ability to manage emotions isn’t something that comes easy, especially for young kids. If you’re a parent, you might have already experienced all sorts of tantrums and meltdowns. While we want to control our child’s behavior, there’s no way we can limit their emotions. We can’t stop them from being upset. This is why your child needs your help.

The lack of self-regulation in children can have lasting negative effects in their relationships. But there’s something you can do to help them create healthy and fulfilling friendships.

How to calm kids down?

Read on and learn how to calm kids down with these helpful tips.

Set a good example

Modeling your ability to regulate your own emotions is paramount to teaching how to calm kids down. Be mindful of how you react to certain situations. Be aware of your responses or coping mechanisms when confronted with frustrating circumstances. Resist your tendencies to raise your voice. Practice calming down so that your child can learn from the example you set.

Take them to their favorite spot

Does your little one have a favorite spot they go to everytime they are upset? Take them to that place if they need to calm down. It could be the park, a cozy corner in the house, the backyard or their bedroom.

Wherever it is, make sure it’s a good place suitable for finding some peace and quiet so that your child can get over their stressful moment. This way, children won’t feel that taking time to calm down is a negative thing.

Allow them to express their emotions

Young kids aren’t capable of regulating emotions. If it’s hard for adults to control how we feel, it’s even harder for them. When they are upset or angry, it’s important to understand that it is a natural part of being human. It isn’t something parents should blame them for. Instead, make your child feel safe enough to express their emotions. Allow them to cry if they feel like crying. You may also encourage them to talk about how they feel, but never force them. Focus on accepting their emotions but never punish them or dictate what they shouldn’t feel.

Take a walk

Taking a walk outside isn’t only a good way to exercise but it’s also an excellent way to help kids calm down. When your child feels upset or emotional, invite them out for a walk. This will help clear their head and steady their emotions. This is also a good bonding activity for parents and children.

Guide their behavior accordingly

Guiding the behavior of a child does not mean that parents should teach them to repress their emotions. Punishments are also strongly discouraged because it gives children the impression that feeling emotions is bad. Instead, what you can do is give your child positive guidance. Help them process their emotions and learn to handle their feelings better.

Take deep breaths

Taking slow deep breaths can help reduce anxiety and make a person calmer. Encourage your child to breathe deeply during a stressful situation. Practice it by showing your child how it’s done.

Listen to some relaxing music

Music has a way of affecting our mood. So when you need to make your child calm down, try making them listen to relaxing or happy music to lift their mood.

Give your child a comforting hug

Nothing beats the comfort and security from a warm embrace. It might sound like a very simple thing to do but many parents forget about it. There are times when you won’t need to say much. All that’s needed is a loving hug to make a child feel okay again. Don’t underestimate the power of a hug. After all, what a child needs is to know they are safe and loved.

You can’t keep your children from getting angry or upset. But you can provide them the guidance they need so they can manage their emotions better. So, the next time your child lashes out, these tips should come in handy to help them calm down.

For more tips and advice on parenting, or if you are looking for the best quality early childcare for your little one, please feel free to visit The Pillars Christian Learning Center.