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Tips on Making a Smooth Transition

Retail stores and shopping centers are stocking up on school supplies and it’s the beginning of August, so you know what means — time to start preparing for the end of summer and the beginning of the school schedule. It can be hard for kids who have never been in a school environment before to make the transition, but with these tips and the nurturing teachers at our San Antonio daycare, you can make the switch from staying at home to spending time in a school easy and stress-free.

We can’t wait to meet the young students we will be caring for while you’re away. Coming into a new room with new people and procedures can be overwhelming for kids who are used to staying at home. When your child is able to familiarize themselves with the facility, it will make day one smoother and easier to manage the goodbye. An open house will give children an opportunity to meet the teacher’s faces as well as other students they can become friends with.

Daycare San Antonio

Play Dates

Speaking of making friends, it can be helpful for children to have a friend before day one. Set up play dates with other parents and their kids so the little ones have an opportunity to get to know each other without the extra stress of learning the procedures of the daycare center as well. Your child can then look forward to coming to school and seeing, playing, and learning with their new friends.

Practice Separation

We understand and have seen, how hard it can be for young children to be left at school. Separating in the morning isn’t necessarily easy on the parents either. Pick a day during the week where you can leave your child with someone else, either a neighbor or friend. Let your child know that you will be back at a certain time so they can get used to a schedule. The benefit of this tip is that parents can choose to do whatever they want during this time — chores around the house, grocery shopping, or even take a nap!

Daycare San AntonioDon’t Stay Too Long

It might be tempting to stay and make sure that your child is comfortable and has a friend to play with before you leave, but try to keep the drop off short and sweet. By simply letting your child walk in and find their own way, they can build self-confidence and independence. Even if your toddler is crying, give them a quick hug, look them in the eye and tell them you will be back later, and get out. By hanging around until they feel comfortable, which could take a while, this can instill a habit which could be hard to break.

Pack a Backpack

If the daycare center has full days, your child will need a lunch. Pack a nutritious lunch that they can look forward to. Maybe even pack a few sharable items so they can share and continue to make friends during lunch time. If they have a favorite blanket or teddy bear, be sure to pack that as well so they have a comfort item to make them feel at home.

Going back to school, or starting at a daycare center can be fun and exciting if the kids are prepared for the change. At The Pillars Christian Learning Center in San Antonio, you can be confident that your child will have fun with the other students and teachers. Learn more about our programs and contact us today to register your child.