Tips for Surviving the First Drop-Off at Daycare

Having a baby is an amazing gift, but also comes with numerous challenges. Many of those challenges have been met with already, other challenges will be new and you will have to face them with courage and love. One challenge that new parents will often have to face is dropping off your new baby at a child care center. The Pillars Christian Learning Center wants to ease your worry and give you some tips on how to prepare for your and your baby’s first day at our daycare.

Come Meet Us Before The First Day

Whether you have a young baby or a toddler, come visit our child care center so your young one can grow accustomed to the space and the people. The more time they spend at our facility and with our staff, the more comfortable they will be on their first day and the easier the drop off will be for you. A rough drop off could be triggered by many things, a rough night’s sleep or your baby’s favorite teddy bear was lost; but when these situations happen, it will be easier for everyone when your baby is familiar with the people who are taking care of them.

Bring in Some Items in Advance

Bring in items that will make daycare feel more like home like a sweater, some favorite snacks, a book, or a blanket. If your baby begins feeling homesick, we can have something at hand to comfort them. This will also make it easier on you each morning when you’re trying to get out the door and not forget anything important.

daycareAcknowledge the Goodbye Grief

We understand that it will be hard to say goodbye to your baby and that everyone handles this situation differently. Taking some time the day before or the morning of the first drop off to acknowledge that it is going to be hard and tell yourself that you can be strong. Taking this time will also give you an opportunity to put on a brave face, which will make it easier for your baby when they see that everything is ok.

Call Us!

Our child care center is here to make your life easier and we will do all that we can to relieve your worries. If that means calling us 10 times before lunch to make sure your baby is adjusting, that’s fine! If you have been home with your little one, it can be hard for everyone to adjust. Keep in mind, though, that we care about your baby and only want the best for them. If we have reason to contact you, we will.

Look Forward to Pick-Up

The upside of the drop off is that there is a pick-up at the end of the day! There’s nothing quite like seeing the joy in your baby’s face when they see you again or having your toddler run up to you with a hug.

With a strong faith-based education and passionate care, we strive to give the best to your children. If you have any questions about the first drop-off, please call our child care center. We look forward to hearing from you and to providing your child with a nurturing day care.