How to Set Toddler Rules and Improve Your Toddler’s Behavior

Every phase of childhood brings its own unique set of challenges. If you ask any parent who has survived the toddler years, you’ll hear a common theme – there’s nothing quite as challenging as raising a toddler. So, what makes this phase so different from all the rest?

The toddler years are when kids begin to identify themselves as separate individuals from their parents. This is when they begin to assert themselves and exercise their freedom and independence. However, expressing their thoughts, likes, and dislikes doesn’t always come easily. Thus, the tantrums and other difficult behaviors. This is where the importance of toddler comes in. 

Establishing toddler rules is one of the key ways to help elicit more positive and appropriate behaviors with toddlers. This is more than just teaching little ones about what’s right or wrong. It’s also about setting clear boundaries for the safety and well-being of your toddler so that he or she grows up to become a well-adjusted and responsible, cooperative and self-disciplined individual.

If you want to help shape your child’s behavior in a positive way, here are some tips to help you create rules for your toddler in your home. 

Be realistic

It’s no secret that managing a toddler’s difficult behavior is challenging for parents. The sudden meltdowns, tantrums in public places, the screaming and shouting – these things can make even the most patient parent lose it. However, it’s important to accept the fact that these things are normal parts of toddler development. It’s a reality that parents need to learn to embrace. Children between the ages of two and four can exhibit difficult and challenging behaviors, we need to remember that they act the way they do for a reason. Children at this age may be struggling to be understood as they try to understand their individuality and express themselves. 

Make rules simple and age-appropriate

What works for your seven-year-old child may not work for your toddler. Children at varying developmental stages have different needs and are at different levels of cognitive ability. So, when creating rules for your toddler, take your child’s age into consideration. Be mindful of which rules will work for your toddler, and which rules are more applicable to your older kids.

Additionally, keep in mind that young kids may find it difficult to follow too many rules. Instead of overwhelming your child, try to set a small handful of rules he or she can remember easily. These rules should also be short and simple.

Be consistent

Consistency is key when it comes to successfully implementing rules with little ones. Enforce the limits you set. If no screen time is allowed after dinner on school days, make sure this is adhered to consistently. Make sure the rest of the adults in the house are aware and implementing the same rules too. 

Stay calm 

When it comes to addressing challenging behavior and instilling discipline, yelling needs to be avoided. You’ll find it more effective when you keep your cool and stay calm. This can be easier said than done, especially when you’re on the brink of losing your temper. However, talking in a calm and low tone is more effective when it comes to promoting positive toddler behavior. 

Provide appropriate consequences

An important aspect of effective discipline is helping kids understand that misbehavior has corresponding repercussions. This will help set the baseline for teaching which behaviors are appropriate and acceptable. Giving consequences for negative behavior will help toddlers learn and understand how they are expected to behave in the future. But don’t forget to take time to explain to your child the reason for each consequence and why these consequences are important for their welfare. 

Utilize positive reinforcement

Another strategy you can use when establishing rules for your toddler is positive reinforcement. Young kids often respond better to the things that motivate them. Think about some sort of rewards your child can earn for behaving appropriately. These rewards don’t always have to be in the form of toys or other material things. They can be as simple as an extra 30 minutes of outdoor play or getting another scoop of their favorite ice cream after dinner. 

Establishing rules for your toddler is key when it comes to teaching appropriate behavior and instilling discipline with young kids. Use these tips for raising disciplined and cooperative toddlers while keeping them safe and happy!

For more helpful tips on parenting, or if you’re looking for the best quality childcare center for your child, please visit The Pillars Christian Learning Center.