Positive Parenting Techniques You’ll Need

Why is positive parenting important? Positive parenting is built on mutual respect. Children should be viewed as individuals, not as a property. Regardless of their age or gender, they must be regarded as human beings with feelings and the ability to think, process, and make judgments on their own. Leading by example is one of the many ways to enforce positive parenting techniques. Gone are the days of “I am your parent and that is how it must be” or “because I said so”.

Why is Positive Parenting Important?

It has been said that the very definition of the word “discipline” means, “to teach”. Children learn from what they see by how adults around them act or respond to certain situations. As parents, it is important to model appropriate means to handle conflict and proper communication. A child’s mind is full of questions and confusion.  They are in the process of exploring new things around them. It is normal for them to act differently than how parents think they should. Tantrums or disobedience happens. At times, you feel like having a time-out yourself.

However, as a parent, it is our responsibility to help them understand their behavior, good or bad. You must be able to facilitate this thirst to learn and support them in figuring out the world around them. 

Teaching your kids better behaviors will not only make them become a better person in the long run, but it can also help you feel a little less overwhelmed.

Top 6 Positive Parenting Techniques

Invest in some quality time 

The best thing any parent can do to improve their child’s behavior is spending some one-on-one time with them. Use this time to provide them with positive feedback and connect with them emotionally. Sometimes, most kids behave badly because they just want your attention.

Validate, sympathize, empathize

It is important that your child feels heard. Acknowledging how they feel tells your child that you are genuinely listening to them. In many instances what they are saying can come across as whining. Instead of getting mad and sending them off with a frustrated quip, help them to understand your stance with a simple explanation or alternative. For the point to be successfully conveyed, it is important that your child feels that they are also respected. For example, your toddler wants a candy bar but it is almost time for dinner. A positive approach to the situation is to explain to them and say, “Yes, I hear you, but we need to eat dinner. Once dinner is over, then we can have our candy bar.” They may still be a little upset about not getting the candy bar right now, however, you are creating an environment of two-way communication and respect.

Be serious about getting enough sleep

Adults are recommended to have at least 8 hours of sleep a day. Think about how we feel when you lack sleep or are exhausted. We get cranky or irritated. Our whole body may hurt. Children feel the same when they don’t get an adequate amount of sleep their bodies need. On average, kids need about 12 hours of sleep every day. Typically, a well-rested child is one who is better behaved and functions better throughout the day.

Talk at a child’s eye level

When disciplining children, it is important that we don’t make them feel we are superior.  In these moments, it is important to talk to them at eye level. When doing this, we are demonstrating to our children sincerity, compassion, and most of all respect. This will serve in helping them hear our words better.

Focus on routines

Children do well with routines or patterns. At home, set clearly defined rules for your children to follow, especially in the most challenging times, like mornings, mealtimes, after school, or bedtimes. You can also let your child help in deciding on how certain routines will go. You can have a routine chart where they can see it every day. The key to success is being consistent.

Be consistent and keep your words

Children have good memories. They will know if you are not consistent in how you discipline. It is the same when you do not keep your word. Inconsistency will make them think they can get away with their bad behavior. If you tell them that you will take away their toys if they keep throwing them, it is important that we follow through. Your child should feel that you mean everything you say. When your child learns that your words don’t carry any weight, we as parents are to blame for continued inappropriate behaviors. The flip to this is that if you promise our child something as a reward for good behavior, it is just as important that we follow through. They will surely remember.

Given all these tips, it is important to also understand the root cause of every problem. Misbehavior is always a symptom of a bigger issue. It is important that we remain calm during outbursts of negative or disruptive behavior. 

Successful and positive parenting stems from having a positive and meaningful relationship with your child. 

For more positive parenting techniques, contact The Pillars Christian Learning Center.