Personal Hygiene for Kids: 6 Habits to Keep Your Child Safe and Healthy

We live in a world where there is an apparent increase in infectious diseases. Diseases are evolving and are certainly not decreasing in number. This is why keeping one’s hands and body clean has become more important now than ever.

Personal hygiene is vital to avoid the spread of infections and viruses. And as parents, we play a vital role in instilling in our kids the value of personal hygiene. It’s something that should be taught early in life and be made part of their daily routine. 

Be sure to keep your little one safe and healthy by following these guidelines on personal hygiene for kids!

Proper hand washing

Proper hand washing is, no doubt, one of the best and easiest defenses against disease-causing germs and viruses. And it’s safe and effective for both children and adults alike. 

Teach your little one to wash their hands thoroughly by showing them how it’s done. Show them the step by step process from rinsing their hands with water, to washing them with soap, and then rinsing them clean.

Make sure they spend adequate time scrubbing dirt off their hands with soap by getting them to sing the “happy birthday” song twice. (Another song will do. The trick here is to help them figure out how long 30-45 seconds really is.) Then have them rinse afterward.

Make sure handwashing is practiced before and after meals, after they’re done playing outside, after using the bathroom, touching an animal, or as soon as they come in from outside. 

Oral hygiene

Most children have an obsession with sweets and this is why they need to learn how to properly care for their teeth and mouth. Otherwise, they might end up developing not only cavities but also bad breath, gum problems, and other oral health diseases. 

Even if their milk teeth are eventually going to fall out, establishing good oral habits is essential early on. Plus, certain types of oral health problems may persist independently of their tooth development.

Make sure your child brushes their teeth at least twice a day. Teach them to use a toothbrush with soft bristles and toothpaste if they are over 2 years old. Guide them and show them how it’s done to make sure all the surfaces are thoroughly cleaned. Don’t forget to have them brush their tongue, too.

Adequate sleep

The importance of adequate sleep for young kids cannot be overemphasized. During sleep, the body regenerates cells and restores its energy for the next day. For children, good quality sleep doesn’t only play an important role in their physical growth and development. It is also vital in their learning, memory and improved attention span. 

Make sure your child regularly gets a good night’s sleep by establishing a good bedtime routine. Limit their screen time during the hour before bedtime. Read them bedtime stories and create a relaxing and comfortable environment for sleeping. 

Food hygiene

Unhealthy food habits can result in conditions such as stomach pains, diarrhea and vomiting. While you practice hygiene and sanitation when it comes to food preparation, serving and feeding, it’s equally important that your child also practices personal hygiene. Besides washing their hands thoroughly before meals, make sure they use designated serving spoons to avoid contaminating the food. Also, avoid coughing or sneezing on the food and turn away if they feel like they’re about to cough or sneeze. 

Proper storage is also an important part of food hygiene. Have the leftovers properly segregated and stored in the refrigerator. Keep the containers covered to avoid contracting bacteria. 


Proper hair care is another important aspect of personal hygiene that kids need to learn while they’re young. This will help minimize the risk of problems such as lice and dandruff. When it comes to hair care, children should be taught to wash their hair at least twice a week with water and shampoo. Be sure to use shampoo appropriate for their age to avoid irritation on the scalp and eyes. If there are existing hair problems, be sure to have those treated. 


Whether or not they love bathing, children should understand and embrace the importance of bathing regularly as it helps keep them clean. Have them take a bath daily, either before going to school or when they come home. Teach them how to scrub and wash their body thoroughly and rinse afterward. 

If there’s one thing all parents want to be sure of, it is to ensure that their kids are safe and healthy all the time. Make sure your little one stays healthy and sickness-free by following these guidelines on personal hygiene for kids. 

If you’re looking for more parenting tips or searching for the best preschool for your little one, please visit The Pillars Christian Learning Center