5 Simple Ways for Raising Grateful Kids

There’s no such thing as a perfect life. Bad days happen to all of us and they’re inevitable. But at the end of the day, it’s all a matter of perspective and having an attitude of gratitude. Gratitude is often associated with contentment. It’s about expressing appreciation for the things we do have, no matter how few they may be. Being grateful helps shift our focus to the positive instead of negative things. This is why it’s important to think about raising grateful kids.

Instilling a grateful attitude in our kids can benefit them in several different ways. Learning to be grateful helps our children create and strengthen relationships with the people in their lives. It also helps them build resilience in difficult times and live a happier and more satisfied life. 

We may be living in a world that is dominated by technology, in which so many things have become more convenient and accessible. But there are still things we can do to teach our little ones on how to be grateful. Read on to learn some tips about how you can raise grateful kids!

Set a positive example

Parents who are grateful raise children who are grateful. It all begins by leading by example. Our little ones learn a lot from observing our words, actions and behavior. One of the ways you can raise grateful kids is by setting a positive example for them to observe and mirror in their own lives.

Show your kids what it means to be grateful through your actions and words. Even if it’s something as simple as thanking the waitress who served your food at the restaurant, or someone who held the door for you while exiting the grocery store – let your children see how gratitude is practiced. Don’t forget to thank your kids, too, for exhibiting positive behaviors. Recognize them for the things they do, like making their beds, putting away their toys, or being kind to a stranger.

Teach them about generosity

Part of teaching kids about being grateful is teaching them how to be generous. Raising grateful kids means teaching them how to appreciate the things they have, while acknowledging the good and the bad. Because it’s important to help them understand that not everyone is as lucky or as unfortunate as we are, we need to encourage kids to be kind and generous to others. What may seem like a small or meaningless gesture to them may mean so much to someone else. The moment children realize this,, they’ll be more appreciative of the things they do have than the things they don’t.

Talk to them about empathy

Empathy isn’t something that kids are naturally born with. It’s something that parents need to teach and nurture, because young children especially tend to have trouble understanding and managing their emotions. Starting now, you can instill in your little one the value of empathy. Teach children to think about their words and actions may make other people feel. For example, ask them how they think a friend would feel if they thanked them for doing them something nice. By being considerate of others’ feelings, it becomes easier for them to comprehend the importance of gratitude.

Find creative ways to express gratitude

Expressing gratitude can be done in many different ways. Besides saying the words “thank you”, explore with them other creative ways to show appreciation for others. They can write a thank you note, for instance, whip up some baked goodies, or even share half of their sandwich with a friend who helped them.

Make expressing gratitude part of their routine

Finding things to be grateful for is a habit that we can help our kids develop. One of the things you can do is ask them at least three things they’re thankful for when tucking them into bed at night. Even if some things didn’t go the way they wanted that day, or if they’ve had a bad day, help them end the day by focusing on the positive things.

It’s also a good habit for all of us to start each day being thankful. Help children recognize that each day of their lives is an opportunity to express gratitude. Remind them about the importance of appreciating another day and another chance to embrace life. 

Being grateful is one of the things we need to teach our kids about, and for good reasons. Follow these tips for raising grateful kids so you can help them to grow up to become happy and well-adjusted adults. 

For more parenting tips, or if you’re looking for the best preschool for your child, please visit The Pillars Christian Learning Center